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- TidBITS#135/27-Jul-92
- =====================
- Psst! Wanna buy a PowerBook 100 cheap? Read on. We also have a
- report on the 1992 MacHack Conference - including notes on the
- winning hacks, two articles describing how Apple is racing to
- save the environment and only occasionally tripping over its
- shoelaces, and finally, the promised review of two excellent
- trackballs, the CoStar Stingray and Curtis MVP Mouse with Foot
- Switch.
- This issue of TidBITS sponsored in part by:
- * Salient Software -- 415/321-5375 -- 75300.2411@compuserve.com
- Makers of AutoDoubler and DiskDoubler
- * Infogrip, Inc. -- 800/397-0921 -- BAT chord keyboards
- One hand on the BAT, one hand on the mouse, eyes on the screen.
- For detailed information on these companies and their products,
- please send email to <sponsors@tidbits.com>.
- Copyright 1990-1992 Adam & Tonya Engst. Non-profit, non-commercial
- publications may reprint articles if full credit is given. Other
- publications please contact us. We do not guarantee the accuracy
- of articles. Publication, product, and company names may be
- registered trademarks of their companies. Disk subscriptions and
- back issues are available.
- For information send email to info@tidbits.com or ace@tidbits.com
- CIS: 72511,306 -- AppleLink: ace@tidbits.com@internet#
- AOL: Adam Engst -- Delphi: Adam_Engst -- BIX: TidBITS
- TidBITS -- 9301 Avondale Rd. NE Q1096 -- Redmond, WA 98052 USA
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- MailBITS/27-Jul-92
- PowerBook 100... Cheap
- MacHack News
- Apple Toner Recycling, Uh Huh!
- The Apple Environment
- Goldilocks and the Three Trackballs
- Reviews/27-Jul-92
- [Archived as /info-mac/digest/tb/tidbits-135.etx; 29K]
- MailBITS/27-Jul-92
- ------------------
- Everything approaches normal again now that we have our new hard
- drive set up. Needless to say, we are investigating uninteruptible
- power supplies and would appreciate any information you can pass
- on. An article in TidBITS will certainly result. Drop me a line
- at <ace@tidbits.com>.
- PowerBook 100... Cheap
- ----------------------
- Bargain hunters would do well to check out the PowerBook 100 4/40s
- being sold at Price Club warehouse stores for around $900. Apple
- pulled that configuration of the PowerBook 100 from the price
- list, recalled all the stock from dealers, and sent it to Price
- Club. It seems Apple felt that the 75 Price Club stores were a
- good place to, well, dump the remaining 8,000 to 18,000 of these
- PowerBooks.
- Needless to say, this move has angered dealers immensely because
- they cannot begin to match Price Club's prices, even with less-
- capable PowerBooks, due to Apple's normal pricing and dealer
- margins. The dealers I've heard complaining fumed because they
- felt they could have sold those PowerBook 100s just as quickly at
- such low prices had Apple allowed them to. The unfortunate
- consequence is that without the profits from selling low-end
- computers and the related training and software sales, dealers
- cannot afford quality staff, which damages the industry-wide
- dealer reputation even further. Nonetheless, Apple feels that it
- must expand its distribution network, and I'm sure that politics
- played a large part in the deal.
- The Price Club stores have the machines now, but early reports
- indicate that the PowerBook 100 4/40 sells incredibly quickly at
- $900. A Price Club phone rep at one store said that she's never
- seen so much interest in a product. You must be a member to shop
- at Price Club, but it's reportedly fairly easy to qualify.
- Information from:
- Apple propaganda
- Alton L. Flanders -- 76400.1746@compuserve.com
- Larry Reich -- 76260.3177@compuserve.com
- MacHack News
- ------------
- Despite several kind invitations, I could not attend MacHack this
- year, where I would have kibitzed for 96 hours straight as the
- programmers created their wonderful hacks. These hacks are still
- being cleaned up and released, so I can't point you to a site that
- has everything, but we have heard that you will be able to buy an
- inexpensive CD-ROM disk with all the hacks and source code. Expect
- to see more of the hacks released to the nets at that point too.
- In any event, Leonard Rosenthol was kind enough to pass on some
- notes about the more interesting hacks.
- Winning Hacks
- The five winning hacks ranged from the terribly useful to the
- thoroughly trivial. Mike Neil and David Falkenberg came up with
- IR-Man, a combined hardware and software hack for controlling
- various Macintosh actions with a stereo or VCR infrared remote
- controller. The VCR remote, quite reasonably, controls QuickTime
- movies and can also eject disks. The stereo remote controls the
- volume, window movements, and window and process ordering,
- although I'm curious how they manage some of those functions. With
- a few extra features and a universal remote, you could probably
- control a Mac remotely during a presentation quite easily.
- However, you will probably have to build some of the hardware
- yourself.
- NetMouse, an even more useful utility, came from Jorg Brown and
- Eric Hayes, allows you to control another Mac on a network with
- the mouse and keyboard on your Mac. NetMouse would be wonderful
- for working with a PowerBook and main Mac, or for something like
- testing a multi-user database.
- The next three winning entries move away from the realm of the
- useful, with Dean Yu and Fred Monroe's DylanTalk, a "semi-fake
- text-to-speech system with a really cool interface and multiple
- voices," Bell Choir, which simulates a bell choir using a series
- of network Macs, and MovieFinder, from Leonard Rosenthol and Alex
- Rosenberg, which will play QuickTime movies in the place of boring
- static icons in the Finder. Bell Choir, written by Kathy Brade,
- stands out among the winners for two reasons. It is the first
- winning hack written by a female (yay!), and it is also the only
- winning hack this year written by a single individual.
- Hacks of Merit
- Leonard mentioned several other hacks of merit, including Strobe
- from Barry Semo and Flashback from Barry Semo and David Shayer.
- Strobe turns a PowerBook into an expensive strobe light by
- flashing the backlight (good for parties, I suppose :-)) and
- Flashback works similarly, except it works over a network of
- PowerBooks (useful for runway landing lights?). Tom Lippincott won
- the dubious honor of writing the first hack ever to be booed,
- something called "Run & Stumpy," which the hackers considered
- rather sick apart from the terrible pun on the popular "Ren &
- Stimpy" cartoon. Eric Slosser's elaborate joke control panel, "ADB
- Coffee Warmer," simulated control of a fake hardware device - if
- only he'd come up with the device too! Finally, Steve Falkenberg
- presented SloppyCopy, which runs all Finder copies in a separate
- memory partition so you can continue working while copying, a
- perhaps dangerous but useful utility.
- I've run across a couple of the hacks on ZiffNet/Mac as well, two
- of which I found and used briefly before my hard drive's untimely
- (and unrelated) death. StickyClick makes the Mac pretend that
- every click on a menu was the equivalent of a trackball's click-
- lock, but it was well-implemented enough that if you clicked
- quickly and then moved on, StickyClick would realize that it
- shouldn't keep the menu down. I didn't think I'd like it, but
- ended up becoming rather fond of it, especially with long
- hierarchical menus. TrashSelector, which I only used for a day or
- so, also looks useful. When you select Empty Trash, TrashSelector
- pops up a scrolling hierarchical list of files available for
- erasure. You can then pick the ones you want to erase rather than
- erasing everything wholesale.
- Conference Highlights
- Leonard also passed on some of the highlights (or lowlights) of
- the conference, which are best in a more-original form.
- * Keynote from Steve Weyl, Manager of Apple Developer Tools. His
- talk came very close to being as boring as last year's keynote,
- except that he demoed some cool games, including Prince of Persia,
- and told us how important game development was to Apple.
- Fortunately, most of the attendees had their PowerBooks with them,
- and were able to be productive!
- * Friday night movie - Batman Returns. 200 hackers take over most
- of a theatre.
- * Tornado, or "The Weather Hack." Touched down two miles from
- hotel. Determined hackers kept right on with their hacks - thank
- G-d for the PowerBook!
- * Lighting struck tree outside hotel, tree exploded, big bang
- (System 7 lives!).
- * Much sleep lost this year, probably more than any other year.
- Lots of late night discussions in the machine room - oh, and
- hacking too. Usually this is followed by a trip to Angelo's, the
- BEST breakfast place known to man, with a specialty of homemade
- bread with raisins turned into french toast!
- * The "Bus Error" or "Double Bus Fault." Two of the buses headed
- for the yearly banquet got lost, drove right past the location (to
- screams of "STOP!"), kept going a couple of miles out of the way,
- and FINALLY found their way back.
- Information from:
- Leonard Rosenthol -- leonardr@ccs.itd.umich.edu
- Apple Toner Recycling, Uh Huh!
- ------------------------------
- by Don Rittner -- afcmns@aol.com
- Geez, talk about silly policies. It seems that at every chance
- Apple takes one step forward and two backward! I recently called
- the Apple toll free number to request 50 return labels for the
- Apple Toner recycling campaign. If you have a used Apple-label
- toner cartridge, Apple will prepay the shipping for you to return
- the spent toner cartridge. Apple then donates 50 cents to the
- National Wildlife Federation and the Nature Conservancy. Seems
- like a good deal, but wait, there's more!
- I asked for 50 labels since I wanted to pass them out to members
- of my user group at the next meeting. The pleasant fellow at the
- other end said he could only send me one! I said, "One. Doesn't it
- make sense to send more than one, because if 50 of my members call
- and request labels as well, Apple wastes paper, envelopes,
- postage, and so on? Did I miss something here? Isn't this suppose
- to help reduce waste?"
- Well he asked his manager and with the executive decision in place
- I will receive THREE labels!
- Sometimes you have to wonder what goes on in the minds of
- corporate America!
- [Silly as this story is, we encourage you to take Apple up on this
- program if you would otherwise be throwing your Apple toner
- cartridges out. Hewlett-Packard had and probably still has a
- similar deal - ask your dealer for details. -Adam]
- Apple Toner Recycling Program -- 800/776-2333
- The Apple Environment
- ---------------------
- More important than the toner recycling program is an announcement
- from Apple last week that they have completely eliminated the use
- of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in cleaning circuit boards and
- manufacturing equipment. None of Apple's circuit boards require
- cleaning with Apple's new assembly technology, and Apple managed
- to convert manufacturing operations that do require cleaning so
- that they could use water.
- Working with other companies, Apple achieved this goal over a year
- ahead of schedule (sounds like some of those engineers should
- start writing software!) and will now concentrate on disseminating
- the information and helping other companies eliminate CFCs from
- their manufacturing processes.
- Many scientists believe that CFCs contribute to the erosion of the
- Earth's ozone layer, which shields against incoming ultraviolet
- radiation. In 1989, 81 countries "declared their intentions" to
- phase out the use of CFCs by the year 2000, a date which the US
- later moved up to 1995.
- Kudos to Apple for placing an emphasis on this sort of technology.
- It may cost money in the short run and may even contribute to
- slightly higher prices for Macs over cut-rate PC-clones, but in
- our opinion the benefits easily outweigh that cost. Apple reduced
- its CFC solvent emissions from a peak of 270,000 pounds in 1990 to
- less than 2,500 pounds in 1992. That's an impressive drop.
- Other Apple environmental projects include battery and toner
- recycling, product grants to environmental groups,
- environmentally-sensitive packaging, and finally an R&D effort to
- build energy-efficient computers.
- Sleepy Computers
- I'd like to see results from this R&D effort in desktop Macs soon.
- The PowerBooks nap quite nicely to save battery power, but how
- about desktop Macs also taking a snooze to conserve power? People
- like me who leave the Mac on constantly would especially
- appreciate this feature, and it might even protect sleeping Macs
- from power problems of the sort that destroyed my hard drive last
- week. The off-on-off power cycle killed the drive, which was
- running at the time. If that drive had been sitting quietly,
- catching 40,000 winks (a unit of time similar to a tick, which
- computers perform very quickly), it might have survived the
- traumatic experience.
- Actually, Apple has joined the Environmental Protection Agency's
- (EPA) Energy Star Computers Program, a voluntary program in which
- members attempt to drop the power consumption of their machines to
- less than 30 watts when idle. Other companies in the program
- include, HP, IBM, DEC, Compaq, Smith-Corona, and Zenith. The
- PowerBooks meet these standards, but if all desktop machines did,
- the EPA estimates a savings of 25 billion kilowatt hours per year.
- Ted Silveira mentioned on ZiffNet/Mac that several years ago he
- used a computer from a company called ON that was on all the time,
- but would go to sleep after about 10 minutes, coming back on with
- the touch of a key. The ON machine didn't offer a lot of features,
- even in 1986, with its Z80 microprocessor, 64K of RAM, CP/M
- operating system, and a separate dumb terminal for monitor and
- keyboard. Mass storage came in the form of 2 MB of RAM, although
- it had a floppy for shuffling files. Nonetheless, the ON had an
- innovative power system. It had no fan, making it completely
- silent, and it could keep data safe for about 24 hours with no
- power using its own internal backup power supply. If the wall
- power went out, the machine just went to sleep immediately, and
- you woke it up by touching any key once the power had returned.
- Finally, the ON had a software-controlled plug in the back where
- you could plug in your printer, take advantage of the built-in
- surge protection, and control the printer from your keyboard.
- Snazziest was the feature that simply turned on the printer if you
- tried to print to it while it was off rather than giving you a
- stupid error message. Where are ON's engineers today?!?
- Obviously, Apple would have a hard time providing this level of
- functionality given the much larger power requirements of today's
- computers, but power technology has advanced along with power
- requirements. I would happily pay an extra $300 to $500 (if not
- more) for such features because it would decrease the amount of
- time I waited for my machine to start up and shut down and
- significantly decrease my electric bill, a direct monetary
- savings, not to mention the ecological benefits of reduced
- consumption. Such power protection features would also prevent me
- from spending $300 or so on an uninteruptible power supply (UPS)
- which I have to purchase to protect my current system. We're
- waiting, Apple.
- Information from:
- Apple propaganda
- Ted Silveira -- 72511.166@compuserve.com
- Related articles:
- MacWEEK -- 22-Jun-92, Vol. 6, #24, pg. 3
- Goldilocks and the Three Trackballs
- -----------------------------------
- So I lied - I only have two trackballs to review. But it's a good
- title and it does illustrate the main principle in buying a
- trackball, which is that trackballs, like porridge and beds, are
- individual and you must try several before you settle down like
- Goldilocks at your Mac.
- I requested several trackballs for review because both Tonya and I
- were experiencing wrist pain, tendinitis for her, carpal tunnel
- syndrome for me. Several people had recommended we try one, and
- this was an excellent excuse. Since this isn't MacUser we didn't
- attempt to compare all the trackballs on the market but confined
- ourselves to two recommended units that looked interesting, the
- $79 CoStar Stingray and the $89 Curtis MVP Mouse and $19 Foot
- Switch (all prices mail order).
- CoStar Stingray
- CoStar named this small, sleek device the Stingray for a good
- reason. It sports approximately the same curving shape as its
- namesake, with both "wings" being buttons. Apart from the small,
- PowerBook-sized ball, the two buttons cover the entire surface of
- the Stingray. This is good.
- Perhaps the most stressful action involved with mousing, as I said
- last week, is the click & drag, so making the click action easier
- is all important. By creating such large buttons, CoStar ensured
- that you can hit the button with any part of your hand, including
- the side or back [or even your elbow if your wrists especially
- hurt! -Tonya]. Like most trackballs, the Stingray comes with a
- click-lock function to ease the click & drag motion. Using a
- switch on the bottom of the Stingray, you can set either (or
- neither) button to click-lock. When you click-lock, the trackball
- pretends that you have clicked and have the button held down, and
- a second click on the same button acts as though you have let the
- button up after selecting an object. I highly recommend using a
- trackball with click-lock for presentations where you want to show
- people menu items - it's much easier than holding the button down
- yourself. [After using a normal mouse for some seven years, I
- found the idea of click-lock a bit foreign, and I avoided it for
- some time. One day, though, I started using it, and within about
- three hours I became a click-lock convert. -Tonya]
- The Stingray ships with a Control Panel that lets you adjust the
- tracking to make it faster or slower, which could be useful for
- different environments. We haven't used it much since the default
- settings work fine for our general use. The Stingray works without
- the Control Panel, so you can easily bring the Stingray to a
- different Macintosh and use it without installing software.
- Physically, the Stingray is small and light, with a six inch
- cable. You must plug it into the keyboard's ADB port and it has no
- ADB pass-through, a disadvantage for people using Classics and
- other Macs having only one ADB port. We found the Stingray ideal
- for traveling between home and work because it's light; the cable
- doesn't get in the way; and the small ball must be actively
- pressed out with a tab on the bottom for cleaning. Thus, the ball
- doesn't escape when you unpack it.
- Most importantly perhaps, people with small hands will find the
- Stingray ideal. I can't quite palm a basketball, but I have
- relatively large hands. Tonya's hands match her slight frame, and
- although I found the small ball and small size a bit clumsy, she
- feels that the size is perfect for her smaller hands.
- Curtis MVP Mouse & Foot Switch
- In comparison we have the Curtis MVP Mouse, a strangely named
- trackball. Curtis designed it along more conventional trackball
- lines, with a slightly sloped base and a pool ball-style ball that
- is exactly the same size as the Kensington TurboMouse's ball. The
- palm rest on the MVP Mouse has raised bumps on it, which may sound
- uncomfortable but which I find useful for holding my hand in
- place. Three buttons circle around the upper three quarters of the
- ball, and people with small hands may find hitting the top button
- over the top of the ball a difficult task. I, on the other hand,
- like it a lot because the larger ball fits my larger hand better.
- The buttons provide one of the MVP Mouse's two main features. Each
- buttons functions independently, and you can assign any one of a
- number of functions to each button. Currently, I have the left
- button set to click, the middle button set to the Return key, and
- the right button set to command-W (Close Window in most
- applications). These buttons work the same in all applications,
- but needless to say, I find the command-W button the most
- convenient in applications with lots of windows like uAccess. You
- can set the buttons to any command key, as well as click, click-
- lock, Delete, Return, Shift, Tab, Undo, Cut, Copy, and Paste.
- Originally I wanted different button assignments for different
- applications, but with further thought I decided that it would
- probably be too confusing. Apple believes that users find two-
- button mice too confusing, and although I think sophisticated
- users can handle two or three buttons, different definitions for
- each application does not smack of the Macintosh way. Oh, you can
- also control tracking and double-click speed in the Curtis Control
- Panel, but frankly, the defaults work well enough so I've never
- bothered.
- The second main feature of the MVP Mouse is its accompanying Foot
- Switch. You don't have to buy it if you don't want, but I cannot
- recommend it highly enough. I have mine set to a normal click,
- which allows me to move the cursor gently with the trackball and
- then click with my right foot when I want. It's wonderful for
- hierarchical menus or reading a long document, because you can
- just place the cursor over a scroll arrow and click with your foot
- when you want to move the page. There's no need to even move your
- hand for such trivial stuff.
- The Foot Switch is well-constructed of durable plastic and metal,
- and mine has survived several months of clicking quite well. You
- need not worry if you have clumsy feet since the Foot Switch has a
- fair amount of travel when clicking down and it's trivial to use.
- If you can drive a car you can use the Foot Switch. I have no
- difficulty using the Foot Switch even when wearing bulky
- Birkenstock sandals, although it's most responsive when I'm
- barefoot. Either foot works with the Foot Switch, although you
- will probably prefer one over the other. I use my right foot, but
- occasionally switch for the fun of it. Curtis does not mention one
- important fact though, which is that you must adjust your chair
- and desk appropriately. I found the Foot Switch somewhat
- uncomfortable until I adjusted my desk and chair so they were at
- the proper ergonomic heights for typing, which is also the proper
- height for the Foot Switch. Check out TidBITS#134 for more
- ergonomic details.
- The MVP Mouse and Foot Switch travel badly. Unlike the Stingray,
- the MVP Mouse is relatively large, and its ball tends to fall out
- as soon as you take the mouse out of your bag. It has a long
- cable, probably at least four feet long, and an even longer cable
- with a telephone-style connector connects the Foot Switch to the
- underside of the MVP Mouse. Since that cable will always go behind
- your desk to get to the floor, it's a pain to pack up. It would be
- great if the Foot Switch was an ADB device that could attach to
- any Mac, regardless of pointing device. The MVP Mouse will stay
- put at one computer, but it's a good solid piece of work, and I
- have little bad to say about it.
- Conclusion
- I did have some problems with both trackballs. The original
- Stingray we tested started squeaking when you clicked one of the
- buttons, which was rather annoying, but we had to return it
- anyway. Then Tonya bought one for personal use because she liked
- it so much. That one would only track up and down and not to
- either side. MacConnection took it back that day and sent us yet
- another Stingray, which has performed perfectly since then.
- We have received a report from a disgruntled Stingray user who
- didn't find the Stingray accurate enough for single-pixel graphics
- work, especially in comparison with the Kensington trackball he
- had used previously. So make sure to check your software with the
- trackball before buying.
- The MVP Mouse at some point developed the annoying habit of
- activating the cursor even when I wasn't touching the ball or
- moving the desk in any way. It doesn't do it most of the time, but
- on occasion I'll place the cursor on a scroll arrow, expecting to
- click only with the Foot Switch, but the MVP Mouse will move the
- cursor off the scroll arrow unbeknownst to me, often resulting in
- an application switch when I click.
- I can recommend both of these trackballs without hesitation, but I
- will add that you shouldn't pay much attention to my opinions
- unless you also try one out before you buy. Hand size, working
- habits, and software use will make a large difference in your
- attitudes toward trackballs. Incidentally, left-handed people will
- find both trackballs equally useful since they are symmetric and
- easily customized. I occasionally switch to the left side, just to
- keep my hand in, so to speak.
- Other trackballs may also appeal to you, such as the EMAC
- Silhouette, which is strangely shaped so that you put your hand
- around the ball on the side, and the Logitech Trackman, which has
- three completely easily customized buttons (in each application).
- Nonetheless, people with small hands who move between two Macs
- will love the Stingray and those of us who see no reason to let
- our legs just sit all day, letting our hands to all the work, will
- truly enjoy the MVP Mouse and Foot Switch.
- Tonya adds:
- Before the trackballs arrived, I was having a lot of trouble doing
- my job, (phone tech support) which often involves a lot of mouse
- action and not much keyboarding. In desperation, I put my mouse on
- the floor and moused with my feet. I could do this only by
- scooting my entire setup forward so that my mouse's cord was long
- enough for it to set on the ground, and I had trouble finding an
- adequate mouse pad. I believe that a pointing/clicking device
- operated completely with the feet would be a wonderful thing, and
- I hope to see one some day. Many devices currently on the market
- could be foot-operated with only minor changes. The standard Apple
- Macintosh mouse, for example, only needs a longer cord. If a
- company designed such a device ergonomically for the foot, I'd buy
- it in an instant.
- Even if nobody ever manufactures a pointing device used
- exclusively by the foot, I'd like to see more pointing device
- options. Most trackball ads tout their ergonomic design. But, I
- ask, ergonomic for whom? They offer big balls, small balls, and
- all sorts of different shapes. You'll finally find the one that
- feels ergonomic to you, only to discover that it lacks some other
- feature that you desire, like a second ADB port (which neither of
- these trackballs have), or a foot switch, or an easily-
- transportable design. Given that the standard equipment hurts more
- and more people all the time, I find it frustrating that the
- available alternatives are so limited. Perhaps as more people
- explore the alternatives, the market for trackballs and the like
- will become more lucrative and we consumers will see more choices.
- CoStar -- 203/661-9700 -- COSTAR1@applelink.apple.com
- Curtis -- 800/548-4900 -- 603/532-4123
- Reviews/27-Jul-92
- -----------------
- * Macworld -- Sep-92
- Personal Printers -- pg. 240
- (too many to list)
- Large Screen Monitors -- pg. 254
- (too many to list)
- WriteNow 3.0 -- pg. 272
- AutoDoubler 1.07 -- pg. 273
- More Disk Space 1.1 -- pg. 273
- StyleWriter -- pg. 274
- Outbound Notebook System 2030S -- pg. 274
- Ray Dream Designer 2.02 -- pg. 276
- Components 1.0 -- pg. 285
- 21 MB Floptical Drives -- pg. 287
- Floptica
- Floptical 5020FL
- Infinity Floptical 21 MB
- Tabloid-size Laser Printers -- pg. 288
- LZR 1560
- RealTech Laser 400
- Notebook Display Adapter -- pg. 290
- Prince of Persia -- pg. 292
- CameraMan 1.0 -- pg. 292
- Timeslips III 2.1 -- pg. 294
- 4-D Boxing 1.0 -- pg. 294
- Bar Code Pro 1.0 -- pg. 297
- Nikon LS-3510AF -- pg. 297
- Capitalist Pig -- pg. 299
- nuBase Pro 1.5 -- pg. 299
- NetMounter 1.00 -- pg. 310
- AgentDA 2.0 -- pg. 310
- EndNote Plus 1.2 -- pg. 312
- Time Treks 1.0 -- pg. 312
- The Secret of Monkey Island 1.0 -- pg. 314
- Blade 1.1 -- pg. 314
- Freedom 120 -- pg. 316
- Perspective 1.5 -- pg. 316
- AudioShop 1.0 -- pg. 318
- Cathy; The Far Side; Random House Word-A-Day -- pg. 318
- Surgeon 3, The Brain -- pg. 322
- Correct Writing 2.0 -- pg. 322
- Cyberblast 2.01 -- pg. 324
- MacPalette II 2.2 -- pg. 324
- ..
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